We exist to
love God,
connect people,
and make disciples.


In this 10-week series, we’ll walk through the Gospel of John.  The Gospel of John tells the story of Jesus in a way that goes beyond history—it explores who He really is and why He matters. It describes Jesus as the Word of God, the One who existed before time and came to bring light and life to a broken world. Through incredible moments—turning water into wine, healing the sick, even raising the dead—John reveals Jesus’ power and purpose. He makes bold claims about Himself, saying He is the way to God, the source of truth, and the key to real life. The story builds to His death on a cross, an act of love, followed by His return to life, proving that darkness doesn’t win. More than just a book, John’s Gospel is an invitation to see Jesus for yourself and discover a hope that lasts forever.

Join us in the Bible Reading Plan for this series: HERE!

© NorthEast Christian Church